Northside Ukulele Tribe Sydney (NUTS)
Meets : Forestville Senior Citizens Centre, 3 Starkey St Forestville, NSW 2086
Cost : By donation
Performing Group, Open Mike / Jam, Beginners Welcome, Lessons Available
Contact Name : Les Gordon
Phone : 0419615041
Email :
Facebook :
NUTS are a group of ukulele enthusiasts of who meet monthly on Sydney's Northern Beaches to strum, sing and have fun! Main meeting is on the First Saturday of every month at Senior Citizens Hall, 3 Starkey St, FORESTVILLE 2086. We also have two spin off clubs who meet weekly on Wednesdays. Check our Facebook Page for details
Northern Sydney Ukulele Strummers
Venues : West Pymble Bicentenial Club 2 Prince of Wales Drive, West Pymble, NSW, 2073 - Meets fortnightly during the day on Tuesdays 10:30-12:30am
Willoughby Park Bowling Club Robert Street Willoughby NSW - Meets fortnightly during the day on Mondays 1:30-3:30pm
Cost : $7-10
Performing Group, Open Mike / Jam, Beginners Welcome, Lessons Available
Contact : Ian PorterBest
Phone: 0438672732
Email :
Prefer it be just ukuleles
This is a fun relaxed social strummers group where there is no pressure to be the best in the room. All singers and players welcome. Beginners should consider attending a class held by Ian Porter first.
Willoughby Ukestars
Meet fortnightly on Monday evenings @ Willoughby Hotel 6:30pm-~9pm
Cost: $10
Performing Group
Contact : Ian PorterBest
Phone: 0438672732
Email : (preferred for enquiries)
Website :
Just ukuleles
Members must be either students from Dougherty Cbeyre Uke classes or residents of Willoughby LGA or by invitation. Not for absolute beginners
MWF Casino
Music with Friends Strumalong Group
We meet at Casino Uniting Church Hall on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month (subject to hall availability) from 9.30am to 11.00am.
We are mostly ukuleles, but accept other stringed instruments, and non-players who sing along with us. We play mainly golden oldies and well-known gospel from a book with about 100 chorded songs that we have available for $7.00 We put on concerts 2 or 3 times a year.
Cost : Optional 50c donation for hall
Beginners Welcome
Contact : Jan Brine
Phone: 0418 638 932
Ukulele Jam at Berry
This is a free event, held monthly at the Berry Bowling Club on every 4th Sunday of the month from 3.30 - 5.30pm and play from the Ukulele Club Songbooks #1 & #2.
Everyone is welcome and it is a fun strum along gig.
Contact Bob Kennedy Email:
HUMS - Hawkesbury Ukulele Music Society
Meets at Royal Exchange Hotel 203 George St Windsor NSW
every Tuesday night from 6pm to 8pm
The format is an Open Mike / Jam with Beginners made Welcome
Contact Name: Paul Hynes
Best Contact Phone: 0402 699 499
Email contact address:
Facebook Address :
NukeM - Nowra Ukulele Movement
Meets at the Manse at 1 Kinghorne St, Nowra every Saturday at 2pm and Tuesday at 10.30am. Cost $5
NukeM is Nowra Ukulele Movement ... why is it a movement?Because the group has a different makeup every time it meets, it is continually on the move and the members are all interesting people from all walks of life. A terrifically fun group.
They are a performing group, beginners are welcome and lessons are available
Contact Martin Fairweather (0427 367 325) or Narrell Brown (0407961123)
Email : (Preferred Method of Contact)
Web : Facebook :
NukeM are also quite prolific on YouTube - check us out there as well.

Meet every Thursday from 6pm till 7.30pm, the 3rd Thursday of every month being "newbies night" with the focus on simple songs and helping beginners to get started. The 1st Thursday of the month is our "advanced" night, where we attempt harder stuff and generally try to challenge the more proficient players.
The venue is the Albion Hotel, Dean Street, Albury – usually up on the 2nd floor. Grab a drink at the ground floor bar and come up and join us for a sing, a play or just a listen!
The Albion Hotel offers their facilities and hospitality to us at no cost so please support our home pub and wonderful staff by planning to purchase a beverage and/or food at every ‘jam’ you attend.
Regular news and updates are available on our Facebook page
For more information, please contact Bob on 0412 770 132

The Blue Mountains Ukulele Group Incorporated
Cost : Free although a gold coin is appreciated
Type of Club : Performing Group, Open Mike / Jam, Beginners Welcome, Lessons Available
Contact Name : Steve Roberts
Phone : 0412228326
Email :
Meeting Times : 7:30PM - 9PM 2nd, 4th & 5th Wednesday of the month at the Mid-Mountains Community Centre, Lawson
7:30PM – 9:30PM 3rd Friday of the month at the Springwood Sports Club
2:30PM – 4:30PM 1st Saturday of the month at the Australian Arms Hotel, Penrith
We also run the Blue Mountains Ukulele Festival, Australia's first and longest running, on the second weekend in February each year

A group of local people who get together on Mondays to play their ukuleles. From beginners to experienced players. Every one including visiting Uke players are most welcome to join us. No committees or meetings. $3 is all it costs for the hire of the hall. 10am at The Hub Baptist Church Queen St Grafton.
Contact is 0266435675 or
Facebook :
Meet in Various pubs n clubs around Newcastle and the Lower Hunter, NSW. Run by The Sum of the Parts
9 groups each week. Costs around $15 per session. All welcome.
Performing Group, Open Mike / Jam, Beginners Welcome, Lessons Available
Contact Name Mark Jackson
Contact Phone 0430434291
Contact by
Website Address

Home of UKE in The Northern Rivers Area
UKE CLUB - Mondays Weekly
UKE ORCHESTRA - Wednedays Weekly
UKE NIGHT - Last Thursday Monthly
Illawarra Ukulele Club
Meet 7-9pm Tuesdays, Click the club name above to go to their facebook page for Dates of meetings
Balmain Ukulele Klub (BUK)
BUK meets on "TEEN" Mondays from 6.30pm to 8.30pm @ Gladstone Park Bowling Club, Balmain.
The evening involves:
The BUK HOUSE BAND playing some Hawaiian & Country strumalong songs.
Tony "Beardie" Larwood teaches the uke'n'play segment. Learn songs, new chords and strumming techniques!
"Come up and Strummit" as we end the night with an open mic segment!
Then on the last Thursday of each month we have the 4 Chord Thursday Club night where we invite a guest songleader to take us through playing and singing 20-24 songs in 2 hours from 7.00pm at the Gladstone Park Bowlo.
North Coast Ukulele Collective, Byron Bay
Lismore Ukulele Club
Central Coast Ukulele Club, The Entrance