Also search videos published on Youtube under Zahra Lowzley
US $10 per hour (Payment via Paypal)

From THIS to THIS....in only 1 year!
WORLDWIDE UKE TUITION (Credit : http://www.gotaukulele.com/p/ukulele-tuition.html)
No, I am not talking about tutors who will get on an airplane for you... these are tutors using the power of the internet to teach - neat idea.
Peter McMeel - offers worldwide ukulele lessons over Skype. You can find him on Facebook looking for - Uketopia\Toowong Music Teaching, or email him at peter.mcmeel45@gmail.com
Colin Tribe is a Ukulele/Music teacher operating world wide through skype and also has about 170 postings of arrangements on youtube. He also offers tuition over Skype, and can be contacted on colinrtribe@btinternet.com
Phil Doleman
Phil, who performs all over the UK , offers ukulele tuition from beginners to advanced, including right hand strum techniques, fingerstyle and chord melody playing in all styles of music. Music theory can also be covered if the students wishes. Lessons in your own home (Phil is based in Derbyshire and has an enhanced CRB check) or via Skype.
For more info contact phil_doleman@hotmail.com, or visit his facebook page www.facebook.com/Learntoplayuke
Howard Matthews
Howard has played guitar for 50 years and mandolin for nearly 40, and has now retired to Spain. He gives ukulele tuition where he lives on the Costa Blanca, but can also do one to one lessons on Skype (Skype address howardandkay), and also offers Youtube tuition on his channle 'ipswichtospain'. Contact him at howardandkay76@gmail.com